Accessibility for Everyone

Kingsfield’s dedicated team work with organisations to create customised and accessible technology solutions, allowing all employees to have full access to the tools they need. Apple platforms have a comprehensive range of incredibly powerful accessibility tools built right-into the platform itself.

This means that every member of staff can work in their own individual way – in the office, or at home – customising their user experience to suit their individual needs. Above and beyond the built-in tools, there are hundreds of incredible apps available to support employees with additional needs.

Accessibility Categories

Apple group accessibility features into four broad categories: vision, hearing, mobility and cognitive. Because Apple technology is designed with accessibility in mind, this results in features that ensure devices are accessible for everyone.

Person reading braille in a sunny room.


With a range of built-in tools, and support for external peripherals, such as braille displays, iPad and Mac are built with accessibility in mind. The voiceover and zoom tools are the perfect examples of this:

VoiceOver is a screen descriptive tool, providing auditory descriptions of each onscreen element and provides helpful hints along the way. It also allows you to change the way you use your device.

Display & Text Size allows you to change how your display and text appears. This includes changing displayed text to be large or bold – and also allows users to invert screen colours, or use a colour filter.


All Apple devices can connect to bluetooth hearing devices. Employees using ‘Made for iPhone’ hearing devices can not only control the hearing aid from their device, but they can also use it to listen to their device.

FaceTime is ideal for those who communicate using sign language. Every gesture and facial expression shows in crystal clear detail through the use of retina displays.

Sound Recognition lets you enable your device as an alert system. Your device will listen for certain sounds like an alarm or doorbell, and will notify you when a sound is recognised.

Woman speaking using sign language.
Business woman wearing glasses using a wheelchair. She is carrying an iPad, and admiring the architecture of the building.

Physical and Motor Skills

Where a staff member has limited mobility access, there are a number of tools that can be configured in order to provide that employee interaction with an Apple device.

Touch Accommodations allow you to change the way your device reacts to touch. AssistiveTouch, for example, allows you to use your device if you have difficulty touching the screen, or if you require an adaptive accessory.

Voice Control allows you to use your voice to control your device. Voice Control can be customised by the user, and you can even use the vocabulary feature to teach Voice Control new words.

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