Kingsfield IT has been named a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s Network Services 3 (NS3) framework (RM6116) for 5 lots. Kingsfield will be on hand to provide a host of connectivity solutions for various public sector bodies, including the NHS.

Public sector IT specialist Kingsfield has been named on Crown Commercial Service’s Network Services 3 framework (RM6116).

Kingsfield has been named on 5 lots on the NS3 Framework, in what is both a huge achievement for our growing tech team and an essential move for public sector bodies looking to boost integration and save on costs. The lots include:

  • Lot 1a – Intersite Connectivity (Wide Area Network) / Data Access Services
  • Lot 2a – Intra site Connectivity (Local Area Network) / Local Connectivity Services
  • Lot 4a – Analogue Telephony
  • Lot 4b – Digital Communication Services (Unified Communications)
  • Lot 4c – Contact Centres

The new Network Services 3 (NS3) framework brings cloud communications to the forefront of public sector technology, enabling government bodies, such as the NHS, to access communication software to help boost staff productivity and efficiency.

The technology solutions offered through the framework focus on providing improved virtual conferencing and remote working capabilities for the NHS, whilst also looking to improve patient experience as a result – given only 54% of healthcare workers believe current communications systems allow for excellent patient experiences.*

Kingsfield will be tasked with providing connectivity solutions to various public sector bodies and their dedicated team of staff. This includes introducing ‘Cloud Telephony’, also known as cloud calling, that will largely support public sector staff by instilling an improved and unified communications service.

Kieran Shah, Head of Public Sector, commented on the framework win: “The entire Kingsfield team is incredibly proud to be on not one, but 5 lots of the latest iteration of the Network Services 3 framework.

“We believe this framework is a gamechanger for organisations struggling to keep up with the increased demand for more remote and hybrid work options. Our specialist team will partner with other premium technology providers to bridge the gap between public sector institutions and the technology they need to support their internal and external communities.”

In a relatively short period of time Kingsfield has grown to become a national leader in the public sector technology sphere. Recognising this growth, we received worldwide recognition from tech giant Microsoft, being named the ‘Worldwide Surface Rising Star Partner of the Year’ (2023).

Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2022/23, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £3.8 billion – supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.

Get in touch with our team of experts for more information about how Kingsfield can support your organisation by clicking here.

*Health and Care: Balancing the Generational Divide

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